ABP MOC/Sedation COE/Quality Project Resources
As demonstrated by our mission statement, the SPS has focused on high quality care and quality improvement in sedation service delivery since our inception. As a member benefit, the QI Project Subcommittee (under the auspices of the Quality and Safety Committee) can provide assistance with QI projects related to pediatric procedural sedation.
These QI projects may be intended for use as part of your institution’s Center of Excellence application, for obtaining American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part 4 credit for physicians, or purely for the sake of quality improvement for your program. Although the SPS is not an American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Portfolio Sponsor, we are offering a framework to assist in obtaining Part 4 Quality Improvement credit for Maintenance of Certification (MOC).
We can help you in one of two ways:
Independent Pathway
Refer to our Idea List of past sedation-related QI projects which have been completed by successful applicants for SPS Center of Excellence (COE) designation or have received ABP credit. You as an individual, or with a group of colleagues, are welcome to replicate these projects (titles, aims, measures included) in your own setting to acquire your own data. To use the project results for the COE application or for ABP MOC credit, your group would need to complete the COE application and include your project results or fulfill the Project Requirements as specified by the ABP.
Idea List of successful Sedation-Related QI Projects submitted for ABP MOC Part 4 Credit
Access to SPS members only, if not a member join here.
- Reducing pain and anxiety in infants and children prior to voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) utilizing a standardized sedation protocol
- Improving the utilization of topical anesthetics prior to peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) placement in patients receiving procedural sedation
- Impact of a high value care model using intranasal Dexmedetomidine for Auditory Brainstem Response testing
- Improving Documentation of Covid19 Status in Pediatric Procedural Sedation
Idea List of Successful Quality Stories Submitted to SPS for Center of Excellence (COE) Designation
Quality Projects of Winning COE Institutions
Current Group Pathway
Work with SPS interdisciplinary members from other institutions to complete a sedation-related multicenter group QI project. The SPS MOC subcommittee will serve as a Project Sponsor clearinghouse, and will choose a project annually, solicit participants from the interest list, identify a project leader, and facilitate the completion of the project. If the project is intended for ABP MOC credit, all physicians involved in the project should be SPS members, and as a member benefit, the SPS will cover the ABP application fee for this project (currently $75 for <10 physicians, $250 for >10 physicians, per project). In addition to the application fee, the SPS will provide a platform and a schedule for regular videoconferencing for the duration of the project, as well as assistance with a shared database and statistical support with data analysis.
2025 Group QI Project/MOC Part 4 Submission Timeline
- Deadline to submit: January 3, 2025
- Project selected: by January 20, 2025
- First group meeting via Zoom: by January 31, 2025 (subsequent meetings will be held monthly and led by the group leader)
Project Timeline
Finalize project details, metrics, processes and database components with the group. Collect baseline data for the project. (Pre-intervention) TIME POINT 1 | February 2025 |
Create, enter and test web based database, created by statistician | March 2025 |
Collect post intervention data and enter into the database TIME POINT 2 | April/May 2025 |
Collect “sustain” data TIME POINT 3 | June/July 2025 |
Data analysis, create tables and graphs (Group leader to coordinate with SPS provided statistician) | August 2025 |
Submit data to ABP for MOC Part 4 or for the COE Quality story. | September, 2025 |
Interested members should submit the online application with their project idea, goals and description of their project. It is NOT intended for full completion at this point. Members will be enrolled on a first come, first served basis with a maximum participant enrollment of 20 per project. If you do not have a project in mind but would like to get inspired by peers and participate in the interdisciplinary group project, please email Dr. Tirodker by January 3, 2025.
Submit application to Joye Stewart by January 3, 2025.
To add your name to the list of potential group project members, email the QI Subcommittee Chair by January 3, 2025. Questions or interest in joining the QI Subcommittee to serve and collaborate with other SPS members?