Sponsor a Member

One way to contribute to the growth and success of the Society for Pediatric Sedation® is to pay it forward by sponsoring a new member! If you are a current member and would like to pay it forward by supporting a new member, read below for important information about the process.

Sponsor a (new) member- Step by Step

  1. If you would like to “Sponsor a Member” please send the printable “Sponsor A Member” application to the person you wish to sponsor membership for his/her first year.
  2. The applicant should complete top two sections of the “Sponsor a Member” printed application and return to you.
  3. Payment information– as the sponsor, please complete the bottom and payment sections of the printed application and submit to the SPS office.

    Mail or fax the completed application to SPS at:

    2209 Dickens Road
    Richmond, VA 23230

    Fax: (804)282-0090

  4. Both the sponsor and new member (applicant) will be notified when the membership is processed.

Printable Sponsor a Member ApplicationPDF