Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium
The Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium (PSRC) was created in 2003, under the leadership of Dr. Joe Cravero and Dr. George Blike though a grant from the National Patient Safety Foundation. The PSRC is a collaborative group of institutions dedicated to improving sedation practice through sharing of prospective observational outcome data on pediatric procedural sedation encounters. The consortium began with 35 institutional members and has continued to grow.
Interested institutions have the opportunity to participate in ongoing data collection via institutional membership in the SPS. Through ongoing data collection and storage through the Columbia University Statistical Analysis Center, member institutions of the SPS/PSRC can generate live and up-to-date reports of their current and aggregate sedation performance as well as the performance of the entire consortium for quality benchmarking.
The PSRC database has collected over 600,000 pediatric procedural sedation encounters to date. Findings from this data have generated numerous scientific publications and abstracts.
Organizations interested in participating in the PSRC may do so by joining the Society as an institutional member.
Get Involved with Pediatric Sedation Research
Are you interested in asking and answering clinically-important questions in the field of pediatric procedural sedation? Would you like to learn more about how to conduct research in pediatric sedation? Or would you like to be involved in guiding and shaping the research mission of the Society for Pediatric Sedation?
The Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium provides opportunities for junior, mid-level, and senior investigators alike to conduct research using data collected from over 50 institutions or to explore opportunities for multicenter prospective study. The Research Committee is comprised of experienced pediatric sedation providers from the fields of anesthesiology, critical care, emergency medicine, hospitalist medicine and nursing, all of whom are an available resource for interested parties. To learn more, email Joye Stewart.
Why join as an Institutional Member?
Access to the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium (PSRC)
Critical to the continued development of the emerging field of pediatric sedation is the need for continued data collection and research into practice patterns and performance. Since its inception the PSRC has collected sedation cases in a searchable database. Data collection, analysis, quality improvement, and research are our primary focus.
Participate in Quality Assurance
Our data collection, storage, and quarterly performance reports have formed the basis of quality assurance/improvement efforts in hospitals across the country.
Reports Measuring Performance
Institutional members can generate live and up-to-date reports of their current and aggregate sedation performance, as well as the performance of peer group institutions and the entire consortium to use for quality benchmarking.
Participate in Important Research
Analysis of our data has led to numerous abstracts and peer reviewed publications and a veritable explosion of communication between different specialists that deliver this care. Critical to the continued development of the emerging field of pediatric sedation is the need for continued data collection and research into practice patterns and performance.
Please consider joining us so we can continue to make the data collection and analysis service available, as well as work to make sure high quality and safe sedation is available to all children.
Research Chair Role and Responsibilities
Research Vice Chair Role and Responsibilities
Email Juan Boriosi, MD (Chair, Research Committee) for additional information, questions or comments.