The Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium is an organization of hospitals and universities dedicated to understanding and improving the process of pediatric sedation and sedation outcomes for all children. We will share information on the sedation we provide our patients (among all of our members) in an effort to ultimately understand how we can most efficiently and safely deliver care. This sharing will take the form of both data on patient outcomes and techniques as well as site visits to evaluate process at other institutions. Our long-term goal will be to evaluate systems of care and emulate the safest and most effective efforts – that are possible with existing resources. This organization is one of members who have equal weight. No institution will be obligated to conform to any particular mode of sedation delivery because of participation.
We are dedicated to the concept that pediatric sedation is delivered by a wide range of specialists and that each will have unique expertise to lend to the study of sedation delivery. The group is intended to be cooperative in nature and foster interest and understanding in the methods that are used by individuals with different training and points of view.
We will ensure patient privacy and confidentiality. No identifying information regarding a patient will leave his/her own care facility. The efforts of this consortium should be integrated with the hospital/institutional quality assurance/improvement programs. As participating institutions valuable information will be gathered concerning pediatric sedation process for each site, and regular timely reports will be returned to the participating institutions concerning the work of the entire consortium. Direct benefit should be realized by each participating institution.
Over time we will track changes in sedation care delivery that are made in our institutions and evaluate these changes for improvements in pediatric sedation. We will strive to meet every year to discuss lessons learned and review our own experience as well as other related research in the field of pediatric sedation and quality/safety of care.
All participants will retain their independence with respect to pediatric sedation research. Ongoing research and quality improvement projects should not be impeded by the consortium. In addition, sub-groups within the consortium that are interested in evaluating data on specific procedures or patient groups will be encouraged to do so using the resources of the consortium.