PSRC Grant Recipients

2024 PSRC Research Recipients

Naveen Poonai, Msc, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor
Paediatrics, Internal Medicine, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Juan Boriosi MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Director of Pediatric Sedation
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
UM School of Medicine and Public Health

Their proposals were titled, “Advanced Practice Provider Sedation Practice and Outcomes” and “Factors Associated with Vomiting During and After Procedural Sedation in Children”, respectively. We look forward to the findings of these important studies.

2023 PSRC Research Recipients

Jaimee Holbrook, MD
University of Chicago Medicine
Comer Children’s Hospital

Nirupama Kannikeswaran, MD
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Children’s Hospital of Michigan

Their proposals were titled, “Impact of BMI on Risk of Outcomes Associated with Procedural Sedation for MRI and Clinical Decisions: A Report from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium” and “Procedural Sedation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”, respectively. We look forward to the findings of these important studies.