Gold Exhibitor | $1,500
Exhibit Profile in the Virtual Meeting Platform
- Company logo
- Contact information
- Company description
- Company social media links
- Company promotional video
- Up to three links to company promotional information (ie, brochures, sales information, video)
- Message feature
- Live Twitter feed
- Banner ad on the homepage of the SPS website
- Ad runs September 1 – November 30, 2021 – Submission deadline is August 16, 2021
- Size: 728 x 90 pixels Horizontal
- Format: 72 dpi gif or jpg file, RGB or Index color
- One complimentary promotional email to SPS Conference pre-registration list
- Email sent by the SPS office using Constant Contact
- Company provides content in HTML
- Email content due August 16, 2021. We will add the email distribution date to our master meeting email schedule avoiding conflicts with other emails.
- One complimentary promotional email to the SPS members
- Email sent by the SPS office using Constant Contact
- Company provides content in HTML
- Email content due September 30, 2021. We will add the email distribution date to our master meeting email schedule avoiding conflicts with other emails.
- Company logo featured on the SPS website and linked to Company website
Acknowledgement of Support
- Recognition on the SPS website
- Recognition on the virtual meeting platform
Virtual Meeting Platform Access and Registration List
- Access to the virtual meeting platform with exhibitor login (two included with exhibit)
- Registration list with name, city, state (pre- and post-conference)
Silver Exhibitor | $1,000
Exhibit Profile in the Virtual Meeting Platform
- Company logo
- Contact information
- Company description
- Company social media links
- Company promotional video
- Up to three links to company promotional information (ie, brochures, sales information, video)
- Message feature
- Live Twitter feed
- Banner ad on one of the SPS website’s most visited pages, such as Annual Conference, Member Section, and Sedation Provider Course (based on inventory)
- Ad runs September 1 – November 30, 2021 – Submission deadline is August 16, 2021
- Size: 728 x 90 pixels Horizontal
- Format: 72 dpi gif or jpg file, RGB or Index color
- One complimentary promotional email to SPS Conference pre-registration list
- Email sent by the SPS office using Constant Contact
- Company provides content in HTML
- Email content due August 16, 2021. We will add the email distribution date to our master meeting email schedule avoiding conflicts with other emails.
- Company logo featured on the SPS website and linked to Company website
Acknowledgement of Support
- Recognition on the SPS website
- Recognition on the virtual meeting platform
Virtual Meeting Platform Access and Registration List
- Access to the virtual meeting platform with exhibitor login (two included with exhibit)
- Registration list with name, city, state (pre- and post-conference)
Bronze Exhibitor | $500
Exhibit Profile in the Virtual Meeting Platform
- Company logo
- Contact information
- Company description
- Company social media links
- Company promotional video
- Up to three links to company promotional information (ie, brochures, sales information, video)
- Message feature
- Live Twitter feed
Acknowledgement of Support
- Company logo featured on the SPS website and linked to Company website
- Recognition on the virtual meeting platform
Virtual Meeting Platform Access and Registration List
- Access to the virtual meeting platform with exhibitor login (two included with exhibit)
- Registration list with name, city, state (pre- and post-conference)